Da Vinci Resolve and Premiere Pro
All visuals were done by Emory, and edited on DaVinci Resolve and Premiere Pro. Color Grading, lighting, editing, camerawork, and effects were done by Emory, and sound was recorded by Garret. Filmed on BlackMagic.
Cinematography focuses with specialization with lighting, camera, lenses, and editing. (Sound not included solely visual focus). Utilizing ARRI and Gemini equipment to practice directional softer lighting techniques. Filmed on BlackMagic.
Experimenting with color grading and editing. Utilizing Gemini lighting gear and ARRI lighting gear to experiment with key, fill, and backlight, warmer tones, and color temperature. Filmed on BlackMagic.
Cinematography focuses on framing, rack focus, lenses and shot type, slow motion, and understanding the function of the BlackMagic camera.